Respecting tradition
… while mindful
of changing times


Our relatively small congregation always welcomes new members and visitors – men women and children of all ages.


“Judaism as practiced with adherence to the Torah and Talmud but with allowance for some departures in keeping with differing times and circumstances”.


“Egalitarianism is a philosophical thought system that emphasizes equality and equal treatment across gender, religion, economic status and political beliefs”.

 In the News


Justice, Justice shall you pursue.

20:16 דברים



Saturday April 27, 2024  Nisan 19, 5784 are cancelled
9:30 AM

Join us at our new location within Temple Shalom
3190 Utica Avenue, Port Charlotte beginning again in the fall.

For a d’rash on today’s portions see our d’varim page

Services at our new home will continue subject to CDC and Florida guidelines and those of Temple Shalom. All persons entering the building are required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth at all times except while eating or drinking and to maintain appropriate social distancing.


Here is a Kaddish prayer you can recite at home without a minyan being present:

רִ ּונֹו ׁשֶ ל עֹולָ ם, אֱ ֹלהֵ י הָ רּוחֹות ל כׇ ל־ָּבׂשָ ר 

Ribbono shel olam, elohei ha-ruh|.|ot l’khol basar — 

Master of the world, God of the spirit of all flesh, it is revealed and known before You that it is my fervent desire to praise Your name, and to remember and honor my beloved: father/mother/son/daughter/ husband/wife/partner/brother/sister/________ [the name and relation of the person may be inserted] by reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish in the company of a minyan. Though circumstances prevent me from doing so, may my yearning and prayers find favor in Your eyes, and be accepted and received before You as if I had prayed that Kaddish. May you grant hope and healing to all who suffer, and may we soon be able to once again safely gather in holiness and joy. May Your name, Adonai, be elevated and sanctified everywhere on earth and may peace reign everywhere. ֹ 

עׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום ּב ִ מְ רֹומָ יו הּוא יַ עֲ ׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום עָ לֵ ֽינּו ו עַ ל ּכׇ ל־יִ ׂש ְ רָ אֵ ל ]ו עַ ל ּכׇ ל־ 

bimromav shalom Oseh 

יֹוׁש  בֵ י תֵ בֵ ל[, ו אִ מְ רּו אָ מֵ ן. 

hu ya·aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol yisrael [v’al kol yosh’vei teiveil], v’imru amen.










A few images of the interior of our temple.

Temple gallery images

We welcome new members and visitors – men, women and children of all ages

Where we are


We are now hosted by
Temple Shalom
23190 Utica AV, Port Charlotte

Email & Phone


P: (941) 246-9417

Design by Ben Bates Creative -